No. I don't was to be an enabler in what could result in spreading COVID - 19 infection; nor, do I want to chance getting infected myself after self isolating, except for emergency errands, since mid March.
We're putting out a table with some paper plates and candy on each plate, outside in front of the living room window. We'll have a sign that asks the kids to ring the doorbell, stand at the window and wave, and take a serving of candy. I'll replenish it during the evening.
Parents of little kids in our neighborhood are having a block party in the evening, so the kids can "socially distance" parade around in the street, with a movie being shown in front of one of the houses on the block (bring your own chairs and refreshments). That's a great idea, I think.
Willing to sit on my porch and throw candy down to kids but I really doubt many will be showing up.
I, too am setting up a table taped out in squares. I'll restock each square as we go. It's the best I can think of. We usually get a big crowd on our block and I enjoy driving my dog nuts.
I did end up engineering a candy chute from our 2nd floor window. (And a foot-pedal door knocker from the bottom of the steps). Hope they work - but the rain prevented a test run today.
So -- planning to give out candy, and keep very socially distanced.
I think i'm going to put candy in small bags and line the bags up on the stairs, which hopefully will deter people from coming up to the door. Then i'll stand inside the door and greet and ooh and aah and say "take one please."
Our town is not having its usual official trick or treat hours (yes, towns have "official trick or treat hours" in Wis - a travesty!), so i'm expecting just the kids from our 2 blocks. They are also going to have a block costume parade in about 10 min. now.
Also putting out candy - we don't usually get many kids so I'm making little bags with a few items (washing my hands thoroughly first of course). I'll put them out on the front steps and replenish when needed. If it is not too cold I'll stand outside when the neighborhood kids gather for a "parade"
Love to see photos of the second floor candy chute!
Here ya go!
I finally found a use for the old transparencies from my grad school days--- We made the transparencies into a long clear tube, secured by duct tape, and used a pool noodle as the sizing mold.
We'll tie one end of a long strip of Caution tape to the post between the two windows, and the other end to the railing. (Did this part first to mark the window sill and railing on the Caution tape to know how long to make the tube). We made the tube, then duct taped the tube on top of the Caution tape to support it. Tomorrow we'll tie it on.
The only part purchased: 2 long strings of fairy lights, which are taped along the sides.
It's not up yet... so here's the "making of" photos:
We will most likely set up a table and place pieces of candy on it, then move back a respectable distance. I might put our fire pit on the front lawn with a couple of chairs so we can watch the fun.
I like the idea of taping off squares on the table.
I just have to remember to wash my hands frequently as I place candy on the table. All of these plans, mine included, will protect us but not protect the trick or treaters from us.
We made individual candy bags, tied them shut and then strung them on the fence along the front of the house. We put a sign asking to take only one per person. At 6:00, we brought in what was left. There were only 6 bags remaining. Different, but doable.
Stood on porch and threw candy down to kids. Was pleased and surprised that any showed up. Maybe 8.
Halloween is for kids. It helps them to know that the the neighbors are nice and builds community. So, I put out candy in an aluminum tray saying "please take one, social distancing Halloween." It worked and many neighborhood came by. It is dark now and soon I will change the sign to say,"candy is gone. Happy Halloween."
The candy chute from the upstairs window worked very well. We added a plastic pretzel container at the end for a twist. The candy did do a quick spin in it before falling out the bottom.
The kids enjoyed it
(ETA one more photo. We also used thin fishing line through an eye-hook to make a remote door knocker. Step on it, and it slightly lifts the door knocker. Release, and it knocks).
We put out a "Happy Halloween! See you next year!" sign and then texted the families on our block who have kids and arranged to get treats to them in a socially distanced manner. But, as Joan said, we didn't want to risk enabling any spread and we have not had good luck in the past with leaving treats out for people to take on their own.
This morning there was a very fat squirrel delicately savoring a "fun size" Mounds bar in our back yard. He left the chewed-open wrapper on the lawn chair. My wife took a picture to send to our daughter. Apparently this is our life now.
My street ended up blocking it off - everyone had a table in front of their house where the kids could just walk by and pick up candy. It was well done - I went through 5 bags of candy.
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I think I'll do a candy run just in case. It's a weird time, I'm on the fence with this one.