Anyone have their mecury fillings removed?

I need some dental work done, don't have a regular dentist or insurance, and am thinking if they're gonna be doing some new fillings anyway, it might be a good time to get the few remaining old ones pulled and go mercury-free throughout.

Has anyone done similar? Would you like to recommend your dentist and are you able to ballpark what such work might cost (either in total or on a per filling basis)? I understand costs will vary depending on the amount of work needed, just looking for some/any guidance on what to expect.

I don't recall how much a filing costs, but all my old silver ones have been replaced over the years. Filings don't last forever. I now have white one that match my teeth  

a relative of mine spent 10k doing just that

I had all my mercury filings replaced several years ago.  I don't remember what it cost, but it defnitely was nowhere near as much as 10k.  I have been seeing my dentist, Dr. David Silverstrom, since he started his practice in the 80's.  He is without question one of thes best dentists in the state, but his services are not cheap.  

Are you convinced that's necessary/wise?

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