Anyone Ever See a UFO?

Yes. In 1969, along Route 71, about 30 minutes south of Columbus Ohio. 

We saw this thing while driving upstate when I was a kid.

We were on the Taconic parkway.

mrincredible said:
We saw this thing while driving upstate when I was a kid.
We were on the Taconic parkway.

That looks similar to what my family saw. I was eight years old at the time. It was in a cornfield next to the interstate. It was more disk shaped with the colored lights arranged in a circle. It was very large and silent.  Several cars (5-6) had already pulled off the road to look at it.  The thing acted like it wanted to play. It would come very close to our cars and then quickly zoom away across the field, hover a bit and then do it again.  We watched it for probably 10-15 minutes.  I thought it was beautiful and remember feeling small.  Our father announced he was getting out of the car, which led our mom to freak out.  They fought, she prevailed and we drove off.  Mom made phone calls to local airports, bases and to General Electric (they have a test site nearby) the next morning.  

sure, but ANYTHING you see flying that you can't identity is a UFO....doesn't mean its from outer space

I never said it was from outer space. 

There's a strange light over village coffee....

Hey MEM,

Talk to your next door neighbor in the yellow house.

He has an interesting story from when he was a kid, let’s say, 50 years ago,,,

Already, this thread is pretty cool.

mrincredible said:
I never said it was from outer space. 

 Nor did I. 

Jasmo said:
Nearly half of Americans believe in UFO's but only 16% state that they have actually seen one:

 everyone should believe in UFOs. There is absolutely no doubt that people have seen things in the sky that cannot be identified. 

When I was in HS, my friend and I once saw a strange looking lighted object hovering over his street. It was not anything we recognized as a plane or helicopter. It was weird looking but I'm sure it was easily explained -- weather balloon or something similar. 

One night in the mid 90s when I lived on a farm in West Virginia, we saw a bright green ball of light with a tail like a comet passing overhead, making a faint hissing noise.  It seemed very low in the sky and the horses were frightened by it.  About a week later our neighbor over the hill stopped by and we learned it was a meteorite a tad smaller than a football, which came to earth in one of his fields. He sold it to a guy who had some connection to the Smithsonian.

I never watched X-Files, but I think someone named Scully has been following this discussion.

DaveSchmidt said:
I never watched X-Files, but I think someone named Scully has been following this discussion.

 You rang?    oh oh 

Let's just say, that I saw something that I can't explain:

Living 20 miles north of the Copenhagen air port, I saw plenty of planes, contrails, etc.  In 1969 or 1970, late one afternoon, while playing goalie in a soccer match, I saw a moving light very high in the sky (way over the normal approach pattern for planes).  It was too high to see anything but the light.

I glanced back at the game, and then up again.  It was still there, but now moving in exactly the opposite direction.  That is a physical impossibility for planes (and extremely unlikely for a balloon), and helicopters do not fly that high.

The following year my brother saw something he swears was a UFO, flying low enough that he could tell it was not a plane.  After he had watched it for several seconds, it suddenly changed course and went straight UP, quickly disappearing from sight.

If a UFO is something that could be a spacecraft, then no, but in 2016 I saw something extremely strange moving through the air at nighttime over Scotland Road in South Orange.  

It moved like a plastic bag would move in the wind, but it was flying above the level of the trees and houses, it was black, and it was the size of a small car.  Since it sorta looked like a headless bird flapping its wings, I thought to myself, "if there is a Jersey Devil, this is it."  

I tried to get my camera out to take a photo, but I wasn't quick enough.  

I still tell people that I saw the Jersey Devil, and then admit it was probably a weather balloon, but it was certainly the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Most are likely weather balloons, which can change size, speed, direction, even color as they rise.

dave said:
Most are likely weather balloons, which can change size, speed, direction, even color as they rise.

 WRONG !!! That's the excuse the Air Force gives you so you don't panic.



I'm pretty confident that what we saw was some kind of group of aircraft in a close formation with lights, done to mess with people's heads. 

I remember a Tv show about project Blue Book in the 70s. There was a pretty high level of interest in UFO sightings at the time. 

I noticed there's a new Project Blue Book on History now. Why the increased interest again, wonders me.

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