Anyone else have a strange power surge this evening?

Around 7:00, give or take 15 minutes. The lights in the house flickered on and off repeatedly. My PC (upstairs) restarted itself, the digital clocks on the stove and microwave (downstairs) had to be reset. Spooky and a little scary.

Someone on FB posted about an outage on Spieir

PSE&G has a crew working on S. Ridgewood between S.O. Ave. and 3rd St. Apparently it's a failing circuit. This stretch of road, extending down to SO DPW, has underground power, which means it's more difficult to troubleshoot. The last time there were problems, about four or five years ago, they had to work their way down S. Ridgewood, cutting holes in the road at intervals, to find the fault. The guy I talked to said they will be out there for a while.

Sure enough, they're now at S. Ridgewood and Walton.

yes, we had the same thing happen, we're in Newstead

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