Annual honey cake thread

How many are you cooking for?

What's on the rest of your menu? Everything under control?

I'd be in a real mess except this year we've taken the easy way out: going to the communal Rosh ha Shana Seder our community is hosting. We've adopted the Sephardi custom some years ago, which mirrors the Pesach Seder and celebrates Creation. The seder plate has plant foods that represent each category of fresh fruit, seed, vegetable, root and nut (trees are in there, and I remember a discussion on seaweed although I don't remember eating raw seaweed).

I'm bringing the honey cake, a gf version of Mum's rich, spiced, light cake. I have everything but the brandy, and frankly it's so rich I don't think you need it! Ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cacao, coffee, vanilla, raisins, dark sugar and honey...there's enough there!

Happy year, everyone!

Recipe,please? It sounds delicious

Recognising that a good balabusta leaves out at least one essential ingredient (!), here's a version a typed up a few years ago:

I hope this works... Nope. Sigh. Having trouble attaching an emailed scan from an iPad (I don't use the cloud and don't have many stored docs on here so it's a bit tough to work out).

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