Bumping this up. Anyone know if they are actually looking for new (adult) volunteers? Their website says they are but they have not responded to inquiries. Thank you for any info!
dickf3 said:
That’s odd.
Did you leave voice messages for both Shannon and Eileen?
A neighbor and I both sent emails to Shannon, per the website instructions, with no response. That leads me to believe they are more focused on student volunteers at this time. But an organization that solicits volunteers should certainly respond to inquiries!
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First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
Is anyone here connected with Achieve Foundation? I'm having trouble getting a response from them as to whether they are seeking additional volunteers. I'm surprised by this as I know this is a well established organization. Thank you!