"Microsoft virus."

My PC has been infected with a nasty sounding "Microsoft Virus" that's demanding I call an 800 number. I got it from trying to look at a stupid video from FB. I restarted and re-booted but it shouts at me a soon as the PC comes on.

Any experience with this? Any suggestions?


try and reboot in safe mode and run malware bytes?

You probably have to clear your browser cache too.

don't call...clear your files, but it's a scam. Turn your computer off and back on. If it's still there, call Geek Squad. They know how to.get you back to normal. Most importantly, if you call the number they give you, they can then mess up.your system.

my son just got hit with this, or something very similar.

I got this too a few weeks ago, it disappeared when I rebooted.

I rebooted and the virus remained

Ugh!! Sorry that happened.

I agree with the above, try malwarebytes first, then geek squad second.

So these things aren't a thing of the past, huh?

I've been avoiding thinking about it but it gonna try to fix it tomorrow .

And as if that's not bad enough, my Yahoo mail has stopped working on both my iPhone and my iPad. It tries to update mail,and never completes the download. I'm thinking it's a yahoo problem since it's happening on both devices. Anyone else having this problem? Any thoughts?

Most recent issue of Consumer Reports has a really scary article about ransomware, identity theft, etc.

(Sounds like even Apple computers now should have security software installed, which my kids always told me wasn't needed.)

my yahoo mail started working again this morning. WTF?,

weird. I shut the PC down for the weekend - I just didn't want to deal with it - and when I booted it up this morning to run anti-virus, etc., it seemed fine.

Again, WTF?

I'd suggest changing from Yahoo to Gmail. Yahoo mail has awful security.

aelfkins said:

I'd suggest changing from Yahoo to Gmail. Yahoo mail has awful security.

I have a Yahoo-based vanity email address. I own the domain name (mylastname.org) so I guess I could move it, yes?

Yes you can move it, and google makes it easier than, well, I can't promise you it's easy, but it's easier than it used to be. Vanity addresses are a fantastic idea, for this very reason. I'm currently switching my main email to a vanity domain. Google is hosting it now, because they do a good job, but one of these days, they're going to start sucking, and I'll move.

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