Temple B'nai Abraham Remembers... Yom HaShoah Ser

Event Date: April 27th, 2014 at 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Address : 300 E Northfield Road
Town : Livingston

Temple B’nai Abraham will hold its Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) service and commemoration. For many years, Temple B’nai Abraham’s Yom HaShoah observances have featured Temple members personally involved in the Holocaust – those who were there - telling us their tales. We have listened to fellow congregants who were in camps, in hiding, who survived the unimaginable even as many of their family members did not.This year we take a new turn. Holocaust victims have aged and their children have come of age. Growing up with a parent (or two) with such a background is undoubtedly a unique experience, but what is the nature of that experience? This year, we ask that question of life long Temple member Isabella Fiske, whose father Mark Schonwetter shared his own story with us a few years ago. Isabella, as representative of a new generation, will explore a different set of questions: What was the impact of the Shoah on you? What was life like growing up as the daughter of your parents were there and how has (if it has) that made you different from your peers. What are you aware of that they are not? How do you view life differently? What impact does it have on you as a parent? We gather at 5:00 PM on Sunday, April 27, with a brief service of remembrance. Afterward, Isabella will share her thoughts on the impact of the Holocaust on the “next” generation. All are welcome to attend. For information contact 973-994-2290 or visit the temple website at www.tbanj.org

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