Peacemaking Challenges Every Fundamental Idea

Event Date: April 20th, 2014 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Address : 515 Prospect St.
Town : Maplewood

Why should we talk to the enemy? What happens if people are nasty and brutish and we want to retaliate? How do we find the capacity not to hit back, trapping ourselves in endless cycles of violence? Gabrielle Rifkind and Giandomenico Picco reveal how the negotiator can succeed where institutions will often fail and how getting into the mind of the enemy can be far more persuasive than the most fearsome weapons. Gallahue will offer remarks based on the new book The Fog of Peace, by Picco and Rifkind, drawing parallels between the social structures of family, organizations, and nations. The Ethical Culture Society of Essex County is a progressive non-theist religion dedicated to living ethically in a complex world. Founded in l876 and established in Maplewood in l945, over the years the ethical culture movement (known as The American Ethical Union) has been instrumental in launching Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, Visiting Nurses, New York Settlement House, Fieldston School, and National Ethical Service at the UN. The Society began a long-running Ethics for Children program and most recently, Essex Time Exchange (a time bank facilitating the exchange of services) among other initiatives. The Maplewood Society was the first peace site in the country. Its motto is: to act so as to bring out the best in ourselves by bringing out the best in others. Contact information: 973-763-1905; Join us for weekly programs, discussions, and fellowship Sundays at 11 am. All are welcome.