Maplewood/South Orange Professionals in Transition

Event Date: April 8th, 2013 at 10:00am - 12:00pm
Address : 51 Baker St.
Town : Maplewood

Northern NJ Professionals in Transition will meet at the Maplewood Library, 51 Baker Street in Maplewood, twice in April. Our presenter, for both sessions this month, will be Meg Dennison, a South Orange native and a certified Conscious Living and Loving Coach with the Hendricks Institute. On April 8th, from 10 A.M. to 12 noon, Ms. Dennison will be presenting “The Drama Triangle and Presence.” This session will be perfect for job-searchers and all others who are looking to move from conflict in their life to presence. Meg\'s workshop will help you to recognize when you are stuck in the Drama Triangle and how to shift and become clearer in what you want in your personal and professional life. On April 22nd, Meg returns to present “From Excellence to Genius.” This program, which uses a “body-centered approach,” will be great at helping you (not just figure out what you are good at, but) what you do better than almost anyone else. You will learn how to figure out and appreciate that for yourself. Again, this session is great for both job-searchers and non-job-searchers alike. Please join us at the library on April 8th and again on April 22nd for these two uplifting and informative presentations! Northern NJ Professionals in Transition will meet, on a generally alternating-Monday basis, throughout 2013. Map here: All are welcome—pass it on—tell your friends/neighbors/colleagues/associates… We always allow time for open networking, both before and after the session. This in-person group is part of the online forum Join us there, for discussions & and an information archive, too!