Family Colloquy on Education Featuring Stone Soup

Event Date: September 25th, 2016 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Address : 516 Prospect St.
Town : Maplewood

We invite all those interested in getting to know us and all members and friends to come to our Stone Soup Event from 11am to 12:30pm. Please bring one vegetable cut and washed to go into the soup. This event will include a reading with conversation about the story. In addition to story, there will be singing and crafts as we make the soup to be shared. We want to thank all those children who have heard about stone soup before and ask that they bring their parents to participate. The fourth Sunday of every month will be dedicated to all parents with their children who are interested in the growth of the ethical education initiative in the Society. We welcome all members and friends in the Society who are also interested in this initiative. We will begin with some brief description of the ethical culture movement as it works today with special focus on ethical education in different Societies in the movement. We hope to hear from these parents and encourage their active participation in the development of this initiative. Our Curriculum Director and longtime teacher in the Hartshorne School in Millburn, Amy Blake, will conduct classes with the children. Rosy Evans, Outreach Coordinator for the initiative and or Martha Gallahue, former Leader with ECSEC, will co-facilitate these sessions. [There will be activities for children in classrooms during Program for Families in meeting room.]