Chakra Exploration - A 7 Week Series with Madalina

Event Date: January 20th, 2015 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Address : 1861 Springfield Avenue
Town : Maplewood

CHAKRA EXPLORATION ~ a 7-week series with Madalina Blanton Tuesdays, 7:45-9:15pm, January 6 - February 24 (no class Febraury 17) $140 for 7-weeks, $25 Drop-in Start the New Year Looking Inward at your Major Energy Centers and Discover how deeply they affect your daily life. Learn to tune your chakras through investigation, practice and trust. How often do we have to tune a musical instrument? Every time we play it. We too are in need of daily tuning so that we can move in alignment with our higher purpose in all our activities and relationships. This class presents an invitation to explore the notions of security, creativity, peace, speaking your truth, intuition and more, and see how they affect your wellbeing. We will use theory and practice, mind and body awareness, to access these powerful energy centers and bring alignment in our lives. Madalina is a Reiki Master and an Integrative Health Counselor who brings gentle care, compassion and deep attention to her work and her clients. Through her personal healing journey, Madalina learned that lasting transformation happens when we bring awareness to all aspects of our being and fully engage our soul energy. In her work, Madalina’s goal is to help people reawaken their own source of creativity, expanded energy and ultimately their well-being. She uses aromatherapy and crystals to enhance the energy flow during sessions, as well as chakra balancing techniques. Madalina is a former Children’s Book Designer, a long-time student of natural health and an advocate of green living.

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